Submissions are closed!


We are running a CaFae Latte fanart contest! Here’s what you need to know:

There will be 4 categories: realistic character portrait, realistic scene/setting, cartoony character portrait, and cartoony scene/setting. (Manga and manga-adjacent styles fall under “cartoony.” Comic strips fall under “scene/setting,” and are limited to one page.)

You may submit ONE piece of art in any of the categories. If you do multiple submissions, we will delete all but the first one.

This means there will be four winners (one from each category). Each winner will receive their choice of free CaFae Latte merch! Anything from the store.

(Note: beyond showcasing the art on my website, I will not be selling any of the fanart collected in this contest as merch. Not without approaching the artist and purchasing it as part of a separate contract. This art contest is largely for fun and a bit of marketing.)

All submissions must be hand-drawn; no AI-generated art allowed at all. Any who break this rule will be immediately disqualified.

Hand-drawn extends to traditional painting/charcoal/pencils/whatever goes on a canvas, as well as digital art.

The use of re-used images, linearts, color overs, or photo-manipulation is prohibited.

Participants must be 18+ years old.

No NSFW art. (By which I mean no sex/nudity. OSHA violations are fine.)


Submissions close on July 31st, 11:59pm, CST.

All submissions will be uploaded for public voting to help us narrow down our finalists. The winners will then be selected from the finalists in each category by our panel of judges. You can check out the panel down below. Winners will be contacted hopefully by late August/early September.

All art will be judged based on accuracy, visual impact/overall quality, and creativity/interpretation of the theme.


Now that we’re clear on the rules, let’s get to the fun stuff!

The theme for this art contest is CaFae Pride. I want to see the CaFae Crew taking pride in their identities, be they queer, ethnic, religious, or anything else. This can be overt (re: JC and Nicole on a date) or more subtle (re: Rethu’s color palette is the demisexual or genderfluid flag colors).

Any and all CaFae Latte characters are fair game, and so are any settings within the CaFae Latte universe. You can have any number of characters in your work: one, two, five, twenty, whatever. You can utilize a “canon” scene from the TikTok series or make up something else entirely!

Crossovers are allowed! Make ‘em Jedis or demigods, stick ‘em in Middle Earth or Disney. Make them all cats, or Tarot Cards, or Toy Story toys. Throw them in Ancient Egypt or Colonial America or steampunk ‘em. I do not care.


“Accuracy” is one of the main judging pillars. By which I mean I want to be able to look at whatever it is you draw and—without looking at the title or description—be able to say, “Yes, that is definitely Bob/Nicole/Cyrus/whatever.”

So I’d better make that easy on you and give you some descriptions!

Bob (a.k.a. Violet, a.k.a. the Exiled Princess, a.k.a. the Iron Witch)

Age: approximately 1200 (middle-aged for a fairy)


Fairy (so, long pointed ears and funky coloring)


Around 5’11”, works out but isn’t doing any bodybuilding competitions. Likes shiny things.

Agnostic pagan

“She was another fairy, with lavender skin and near-black hair neatly tied back in a ponytail. She wore her hat right-side forward, and somehow managed to look prim and proper in an apron and jeans. The mesh scarf delicately looped around her neck that shone with gold probably helped.

Unlike the young man, she did not have a nametag. JC knew better than to ask, but since they had to call her something, they mentally titled her Bob.

Heart of Iron, working draft

Cyrus (a.k.a. Blue)

Age: 300ish (considered in the same range as 19-20-year-old for a fairy)

Biromantic asexual

Fairy (so, long pointed ears and funky coloring)


At least 6’1”

Agnostic pagan

“The employee was undeniably a fairy, with that brightly colored, marbling skin and large pointy ears. In this case, he had bright blue skin and gray-white marbling. Fluffy indigo hair peeked out of the bottom of his black hat, which he wore backwards, his bangs sticking out of the gap of the hat’s back. To top it off, he’d covered both the hat and apron with pins: ace pride flag, bisexual pride flag, “single AF,” “totally Fae,” “just stab them” a coffeepot atop a stack of books, etc.

Honestly, if it weren’t for the book pin, JC would’ve pegged him as a jock. Those arms and shoulders had been earned. Football, maybe? Or basketball?

He definitely wasn’t in any type of dance. While he swayed and quietly sang along to the Miley Cyrus song bopping on the speakers, it was completely off-beat.

Heart of Iron, working draft

Jennifer Charles (a.k.a JC)

Age: 27

Nonbinary bisexual


they/them (AMAB)

5’6” and scrawny


White, with skin that sunburns easily. Fluffy brown hair that’s kept between chin and shoulder length, sometimes pulled back in a bun. Wears either gender-neutral or feminine clothes (when they have pockets). Clean-shaven; they cannot stand having any sort of beard or shadow.

In the book, they’re diabetic.

“JC showed up on their first day of work five minutes early, slightly sweaty and nauseous from the bike ride from the bus stop, in khakis and their favorite jean jacket. It had been worn, washed, and re-worn so much it was practically butter and had their nonbinary pin in pride of place.”

—Heart of Iron, working draft


Age: 28





Nichiren Buddhist

Other notable identities: Black, witch, autistic

“Damn, JC thought. She cute.

They had always liked their partners big and soft, like cuddly, squishy teddy bears. This pear-shaped goddess was also in flannel, making her even more cuddly-looking: the old, oversized red and black sweater flecked with constellations of old paint. Dark locs escaped from a high bun and curled into her round chin, her gloved fingers tapping a hasty pattern on the shoulder handle of her laptop bag.

Why she was wearing gloves and a flannel sweater in summer, JC had no idea. But they weren’t going to question it.

Heart of Iron, working draft


Age: mid-30s






Other notable identities: Middle Eastern American (One side of the family came from Iran, another from Afghanistan. Both immigrated to the US, where Husniya was born a while later.)

Hijabi, so she only ever shows her face and hands. In casual settings she usually has a more “modern American” look (re: jeans, sweater, that kind of thing). When she glams up, she typically goes with an abaya or other traditional wear. No makeup, but she has a weakness for sparkles!


Age: 350ish (considered young for a dragon)

Demisexual, demiromantic, genderfluid


Pronouns change daily between she/her, he/him, and they/them.

6’5” as a human, not including the horns


In dragon form, they’re about the size of a school bus (not including the tail). Their scales are gray, going black at the wings, tail, horns, and claws.

In human form, they can present as any gender (so when they’re feeling masculine, their human form “passes” as a man, same with feminine and androgynous looks, but it’s not always “matching,” so it’s always best to ask their daily pronouns). They’ve got pale skin that looks almost gray, and they keep the horns, wings, and tail—they get pinched otherwise.


Age: 17


Goblin (half)



Religious identity unknown and unexplored

Other notable identities: ADHD

Typically goblins have massive eyes, like deep sea fish, that allow them to see perfectly underground. As Drek is only half goblin, his eyes are closer to human size. He still gets light sensitivity when he’s outside (even on a cloudy day), but he usually doesn’t have to wear sunglasses inside. His skin is red, going pink in a few areas, and his horns taper off into black.


Age: 29


1/4 demon




Being only a quarter demon, Erik could pass as a complete human if he covered his horns. They’re small, almost looking like bone extensions. He keeps his dark hair in a mullet. Average build.

Caroline (a.k.a. Yarn Granny)

Age: late 60s/early 70s






“Her long gray hair was kept back in a ponytail, and she always had a handmade scarf wrapped around her neck, no matter the weather. Tonight’s was warm orange with a cream trim. Her skill with a crochet hook was matched by few Violet had ever met, which was why she ran Yarn Granny’s Shop on Main Street, just half a block away from CaFae Latte.

Heart of Iron, working draft

Andrew (“Andy”) (a.k.a. Vet Grandpa)

Age: late 60s/early 70s






““’Evening, Miss Violet. Blue. Hope we weren’t interruptin’ anything,” said Chief Andrew “call me Andy” Moore, scraping the mud from his boots. His head had been gray and balding since he and his wife moved up from Mississippi. He usually covered it with a highlighter yellow baseball cap, the logo of the town’s volunteer fire department worn and beaten. Given the mud stains on the cargo pants, he’d just come back from a shift. Despite being chief of his fellow volunteers, he refused to stay behind a desk.”

—Heart of Iron, working draft


Age: just over 200

Trans woman




Religion unknown

Long red hair. Very pale skin. Usually wears black. Doesn’t look like she can bench-press a truck, but vampiric super strength is a marvelous thing. She was turned in her mid- to late-20s (right after the Mexican-American War).


Age: 150ish (about early/mid 20s for a werewolf)





Religion unknown

Confession time! I’m still working out the kinks in Patrick’s family and backstory. I know that he’s named for his Irish grandfather (also a werewolf, likely dead), and that he has at least some Native American heritage, but I have not been able to dedicate proper time and resources into narrowing down the actual ethnic and cultural identity. Sorry.

So for now we’re going to put Patrick at “racially ambiguous” until I whip up a proper canon for him. Whatever else happens, he’s a geek, he’s built like a tank, and is a very hairy human, with brown hair that he keeps short. In wolf form, his fur his brown and gray.

Mike the Witch

Age: late 30s






Kind of got a “Midwestern farmer” look, mostly because he grew up on a Midwestern farm. He’s married with a 3-year-old daughter.

Lindsey (a.k.a. the Kitchen Witch, a.k.a. the Fourth Street Witch)

Age: late 20s

Sexuality unknown





Wears sweaters and layers, originally to better hide herself. Now she does it “because it’s Minnesota and I’m cold!” White woman with curly hair.

Tooth Fairy

Age: unknown

Sexuality unknown




Religion unknown

Other notable identities: mute (in the books she’ll be deaf)

Oh, look! Another character I haven’t fully fleshed out. So I’ll make Toothie a wild card. Fairies have crazy skin-coloring: Bob is purple, Cyrus is blue with white marbling, the villain in Heart of Iron has a mix of reds, yellows, and dark greens, his sorceress lieutenant is pitch black with some silver marbling, etc. (“Marbling” is kind of like the fairy version of freckles.)

So for Tooth Fairy, go nuts.

CaFae Latte

“Main Street was, according to the informative plaques along the river, the oldest part of town. The old-school brick buildings spread from the shadow of the pale blue Mississippi Street bridge, which crossed the wide, calm river and spewed cars toward the Cities. There were half a dozen antique stores, a few restaurants, a yarn shop, a beauty parlor, some boutiques with price tags that made JC cringe, and the cafe. JC had applied for jobs at all of them. Only the cafe had invited them for an interview.

JC locked the bike on a street lamp just outside CaFae Latte. It had some outdoor seating, which a half dozen customers were taking full advantage of, especially since the summer sun was behind the building, putting them in shade. The modern logo—a silhouetted winged fairy pouring “CaFae Latte” over a lavender stain—clashed and yet somehow complimented the old-style brick building. A couple of tables were set near the windows inside, holding a few more customers, and JC breathed easier when they saw the Progress Pride flag sticker by the door.


Inside was a surprisingly ordinary cafe, considering who ran the place. It was just small enough to be cozy, with couches and cushions with few stains on the protective, earth-colored covers. All tables and chairs were made of dark wood, the cream-colored walls cluttered with photographs spanning every decade cameras were a thing, along with a handful of paintings and other bright artworks, mostly purple or lavender, like pockets of wildflowers in a warm forest. The entire front of the house was windows instead of walls, bringing natural light into the room and making the light bulbs hanging from the ceiling almost unnecessary.


The menus were dark brown with white lettering, and JC scanned a bunch of drinks like coffee, cappuccino, mochas, something called an arcane rush, a list of toppings that included cinnamon, vanilla, pixie dust, unicorn blood, eldritch blood…”

—Heart of Iron, working draft

Stoughton Street Coven

The Stoughton Street Witches operate out of a converted farmhouse on the edge of town they got in the 1960s. Outside, they use the land to plant a variety of magical plants. The two-story house is painted yellow with a white trim. Inside, it looks a lot more witchy, but is still cozy. Bookshelves of spellbooks and supplies, a kitchen full of tools and ingredients, lots of candles, comfy chairs in the living room for people to sit and wait or just talk, etc.

Questions? Fill out the contact form and I’ll get back to you ASAP!